Georgia Institute of Technology225 North Avenue NW, Atlanta, GA 30332 (404) 894-2000
2021年 QS 排名 第 80 名 查看QS排名
学杂费 $31,370
食宿费 $12,090
在校生人数 36,488
申请截止日期 Jan. 6
1. 成绩单要求
申请人要求 | 注册所需证书 | 其他说明 |
已经完成了的高中每一年的成绩单,对于中国学生,除了高中10,11,12年级成绩单,还需提供9年级成绩单 | 申请人需要完成在中国进入大学的教育水平。在某些情况下,为了在录取时更有竞争力,申请人可能需要完成一门额外的课程。 | 如对特殊教育系统有疑问,请邮件咨询admission@gatech.edu |
需要提供英语翻译件 |
2. 英语要求
提供TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English Assessment
Duolingo English Test(https://englishtest.duolingo.com/)
申请人要求 | 注册所需证书 | 其他说明 |
已经完成了的高中每一年的成绩单 | IB Diploma | 申请时没有最低IB分数限制,为了更有竞争力,申请人应该有6和7的分数。 |
建议提供预测的IB分数 | 鼓励学生有HL数学和科学课程,但是录取时不作为有竞争力的条件 |
申请人要求 | 注册所需证书 | 其他说明 |
已经完成了的高中每一年的成绩单 | 中学教育普通证书 | 为了录取时更有竞争力,学生需要在进入乔治亚理工学院之前完成至少3个完整的A-Levels |
IGCSE/O-Level成绩, AS Level 成绩, 预测的A-Level成绩 |
申请计划 | 申请截止日期 | 文件截止日期 |
Early Action | October 15 | November 15 |
Regular Decision | January 6 | February 1 |
所有的截止时间都是申请人所在地区11:59 p.m.
1. 完成Common Application
2. 非官方高中成绩单以及官方高中成绩单
3. 学校报告(School Report form)以及学校简介
4. SAT或者ACT成绩,使用以下学校代码递交考试分数,
SAT school code: 5248
ACT school code: 0818
5. 英语证明文件(第三方面试或者考试成绩单)
6. 申请人参与的3-5项有意义活动的详细描述
7. 准备一篇长论文和一篇短论文
Common Application Personal Essay
8. 推荐信
1. 准备申请材料
2. 通过Common Application创建账号(https://apply.commonapp.org/createaccount);
3. 注册成功后,通过学院搜索将乔治亚理工学院添加到学校列表中;
4. 通过该网站邀请高中学校递交成绩单,学校和老师递交推荐信;
5. 完成申请表上的个人论文和乔治亚理工学院的问题;
6. 递交申请;
7. 英语非母语的申请人可选择第三方即兴面试
Early Action需要在11月15日之前完成面试,Regular Decision需要在2月1日之前完成面试。
进入乔治亚理工学院的申请人可以通过他们的AP考试,SAT II科目考试,IB和A-Levels分数获得大学学分。
Advanced Levels (A-Levels)
科目 | 课程 | 学分 |
Biology | Grade: A = BIOL 1510 | 4 |
Chemistry | Grade: A or B = CHEM 1310 | 4 |
Economics | Grade: A = ECON 2100 | 3 |
Math | Grade: A or B = MATH 1551 | 2 |
Physics | Grade: A = PHYS 2XXX | 4 |
AS-Level 或者 O-Level考试成绩无法获得大学学分,需要提供官方考试成绩单,临时成绩不被接受。
Advanced Placement Exams(AP考试)
科目 | 课程 | 学分 |
Art History | AP Score: 4 or 5 ID 2242 | 3 |
Biology | AP Score: 4 or 5 = BIOL 1510 | 4 |
Mathematics - Calculus AB | AP Score: 4 or 5 = MATH 1551 5 | 2 |
Mathematics - Calculus BC | AP Score: 4 or 5 = MATH 1551 & MATH 15525 | 6 |
Chemistry - Effective Summer 2010 | AP Score: 4 = CHEM 1211K | 4 |
Chemistry | AP Score: 5 = CHEM 1310 | 4 |
Chinese Language and Culture | AP Score: 3 = CHIN 1002 6 | 8 |
AP Score: 4 = CHIN 1002, CHIN 2001, and CHIN 2002 | 10 | |
AP Score: 5 = CHIN 2001, CHIN 2002, and CHIN 3XXX | 9 | |
Computer Science (A) | AP Score: 4 or 5 = CS 1301 | 3 |
Computer Science Principles | AP Score: 4 or 5 = CS 1XXX | 3 |
English Language and Composition | AP Score: 4 or 5 = ENGL 1101 | 3 |
English Literature and Composition | AP Score: 4 or 5 = ENGL 1101 | 3 |
Environmental Science | AP Score: 4 or 5 = EAS 1600 | 4 |
European History | AP Score: 4 or 5 = HTS 1031 | 3 |
French Language and Culture | AP Score: 3 = FREN 1001 and FREN 1002 6 | 6 |
AP Score: 4 = FREN 1002, FREN 2001, and FREN 2002 | 9 | |
AP Score 5 = FREN 2001, FREN 2002, and FREN 3XXX | 9 | |
German Language and Culture | AP Score: 3 = GRMN 1001 & GRMN 1002 6 | 6 |
AP Score 4 = GRMN 1002, GRMN 2001, and GRMN 2002 | 9 | |
AP Score 5 = GRMN 2001, GRMN 2002, and GRMN 3XXX | 9 | |
Government and Politics: Comparative | AP Score: 4 or 5 = INTA 12003 | 3 |
Government and Politics: U.S. | AP Score: 4 or 5 = POL 11013 | 3 |
Human Geography | AP Score: 4 or 5 = SS 1XXX | 3 |
Italian Language and Culture | No Credit Awarded | 0 |
Japanese Language and Culture | AP Score: 3 = JAPN 1001 and JAPN 1002 6 | 8 |
AP Score: 4 = JAPN 1002, JAPN 2001, and JAPN 2002 | 10 | |
AP Score: 5 = JAPN 2001, JAPN 2002, and JAPN 3001 | 9 | |
Latin (Language and Culture) | AP Score: 4 or 5 = LATN 2XXX | 6 |
Economics (Macroeconomics)1 | AP Score: 4 or 5 = ECON 2105 | 3 |
Economics (Microeconomics)1 | AP Score: 4 or 5 = ECON 2106 | 3 |
Music Theory | AP Score: 4 or 5 = MUSI 2700 | 3 |
Physics B | AP Score: 4 or 5 = PHYS 2XXX | 3 |
Physics C, Part I: Mechanics | AP Score: 5 = PHYS 22114 | 4 |
Physics C, Part II: Elect & Magnetism | AP Score: 5 = PHYS 22124 | 4 |
Physics 1: Algebra-Based | AP Score: 4 or 5 = PHYS 2XXX | 3 |
Physics 2: Algebra-Based | AP Score: 4 or 5 = PHYS 2XXX | 3 |
Psychology | AP Score: 4 or 5 = PSYC 1101 | 3 |
Spanish Language & Culture | AP Score: 3 = SPAN 1001 & SPAN 1002 6 | 6 |
AP Score: 4 = SPAN 1002, SPAN 2001, and SPAN 2002 | 9 | |
AP Score 5 = SPAN 2001, SPAN 2002, and SPAN 3XXX | 9 | |
Statistics | No Credit Awarded | 0 |
Studio Art: 2-D Design | AP Score: 4 or 5 = ARCH 1XXX | 3 |
Studio Art: 3-D Design | AP Score: 4 or 5 = ARCH 1XXX | 3 |
Studio Art: Drawing | No Credit Awarded | 0 |
United States (American) History | AP Score: 4 or 5 = HIST 2111 | 3 |
World History | AP Score: 4 or 5 = HTS 1XXX2 | 3 |
International Baccalaureate Exams(IB考试)
International Baccalaureate - High Level A (Foreign Language courses)
科目 | HL考试分数 | 学分 |
Arabic | 5 | 9 hours (ARBC 2001, ARBC 2002, and ARBC 3XXX) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (ARBC 2002, ARBC 3XXX, and ARBC 3XXX) | |
Chinese | 5 | 9 hours (CHIN 2001, CHIN 2002, and CHIN 3XXX) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (CHIN 2002, CHIN 3XXX, and CHIN 3XXX) | |
French | 5 | 9 hours (FREN 2001, FREN 2002, and FREN 3XXX) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (FREN 2002, FREN 3XXX, and FREN 3XXX) | |
German | 5 | 9 hours (GRMN 2001, GRMN 2002, GRMN 3XXX) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (GRMN 2002, GRMN 3XXX and GRMN 3XXX) | |
Hindi | 5 | 9 hours (HIN 2001, HIN 2002, and HIN 3XXX) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (HIN 2002, HIN 3XXX, and HIN 3XXX) | |
Japanese | 5 | 9 hours (JAPN 2001, JAPN 2002, and JAPN 3001) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (JAPN 2002, JAPN 3001, and JAPN 3XXX) | |
Korean | 5 | 9 hours (KOR 2001, KOR 2002, and KOR 3XXX) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (KOR 2002, KOR 3XXX, and KOR 3XXX) | |
Persian | 5 | 9 hours (PERS 2001, PERS 2002, and PERS 3XXX) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (PERS 2002, PERS 3XXX, and PERS 3XXX) | |
Portuguese | 5 | 9 hours (PORT 2001, PORT 2002, and PORT 3XXX) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (PORT 2002, PORT 3XXX, and PORT 3XXX) | |
Russian | 5 | 9 hours (RUSS 2001, RUSS 2002, and RUSS 3XXX) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (RUSS 2002, RUSS 3XXX, and RUSS 3XXX) | |
Spanish | 5 | 9 hours (SPAN 2001, SPAN 2002, and SPAN 3XXX) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (SPAN 2002, SPAN 3XXX, and SPAN 3XXX) |
International Baccalaureate - High Level B (Foreign Language courses)
科目 | HL考试分数 | 学分 |
Arabic | 4 | 8 hours (ARBC 1001 and ARBC 1002) |
5 | 10 hours (ARBC 1002, ARBC 2001, ARBC 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (ARBC 2001, ARBC 2002, and ARBC 3XXX) | |
Chinese | 4 | 8 hours (CHIN 1001 and CHIN 1002) |
5 | 10 hours (CHIN 1002, CHIN 2001 or CHIN 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (CHIN 2001, CHIN 2002, and CHIN 3XXX) | |
French | 4 | 6 hours (FREN 1001, and FREN 1002) |
5 | 9 hours (FREN 1002, FREN 2001, and FREN 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (FREN 2001, FREN 2002, and FREN 3XXX) | |
German | 4 | 6 hours (GRMN 1001 and GRMN 1002) |
5 | 9 hours (GRMN 1002, GRMN 2001, and GRMN 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (GRMN 2001, GRMN 2002, and GRMN 3XXX) | |
Hindi | 4 | 6 hours (HIN 1001 and HIN 1002) |
5 | 9 hours (HIN 1002, HIN 2001, and HIN 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (HIN 2001, HIN 2002, and HIN 3XXX) | |
Japanese | 4 | 8 hours (JAPN 1001, and JAPN 1002) |
5 | 10 hours (JAPN 1002, JAPN 2001, JAPN 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (JAPN 2001, JAPN 2002, and JAPN 3001) | |
Korean | 4 | 8 hours (KOR 1001 and KOR 1002) |
5 | 10 hours (KOR 1002, KOR 2001, and KOR 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (KOR 2001, KOR 2002, and KOR 3XXX) | |
Persian | 4 | 8 hours (PERS 1001 and PERS 1002) |
5 | 10 hours (PERS 1002, PERS 2001, and PERS 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (PERS 2001, PERS 2002, and PERS 3XXX) | |
Portuguese | 4 | 6 hours (PORT 1001 and PORT 1002) |
5 | 9 hours (PORT 1002, PORT 2001, and PORT 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (PORT 2001, PORT 2002, and PORT 3XXX) | |
Russian | 4 | 8 hours (RUSS 1001 and RUSS 1002) |
5 | 10 hours (RUSS 1002, RUSS 2001, and RUS 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (RUSS 2001, RUSS 2002, and RUSS 3XXX | |
Spanish | 4 | 6 hours (SPAN 1001 and SPAN 1002) |
5 | 9 hours (SPAN 1002, SPAN 2001, and SPAN 2002) | |
6 or higher | 9 hours (SPAN 2001, SPAN 2002, and SPAN 3XXX) |
International Baccalaureate - Standard Level A (Foreign Language courses)
科目 | SL考试分数 | 学分 |
Arabic | 4 | 8 hours (ARBC 1001 and ARBC 1002) |
5 | 11 hours (ARBC 1001, ARBC 1002, and ARBC 2001) | |
6 | 10 hours (ARBC 1002, ARBC 2001, and ARBC 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (ARBC 2001, ARBC 2002, and ARBC 3XXX) | |
Chinese | 4 | 8 hours (CHIN 1001 and CHIN 1002) |
5 | 11 hours (CHIN 1001, CHIN 1002, and CHIN 2001) | |
6 | 10 hours (CHIN 1002, CHIN 2001, and CHIN 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (CHIN 2001, CHIN 2002, and CHIN 3XXX) | |
French | 4 | 6 hours (FREN 1001 and FREN 1002) |
5 | 9 hours (FREN 1001, FREN 1002, and FREN 2001) | |
6 | 9 hours (FREN 1002, FREN 2001, and FREN 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (FREN 2001, FREN 2002, and FREN 3XXX) | |
German | 4 | 6 hours (GRMN 1001 and GRMN 1002) |
5 | 9 hours (GRMN 1001, GRMN 1002, and GRMN 2001) | |
6 | 9 hours (GRMN 1002, GRMN 2001, and GRMN 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (GRMN 2001, GRMN 2002, and GRMN 3XXX) | |
Hindi | 4 | 6 hours (HIN 1001 and HIN 1002) |
5 | 9 hours (HIN 1001, HIN 1002, and HIN 2001) | |
6 | 9 hours (HIN 1002, HIN 2001, and HIN 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (HIN 2001, HIN 2002, and HIN 3XXX) | |
Japanese | 4 | 8 hours (JAPN 1001 and JAPN 1002) |
5 | 11 hours (JAPN 1001, JAPN 1002, and JAPN 2001) | |
6 | 10 hours (JAPN 1002, JAPN 2001, and JAPN 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (JAPN 2001, JAPN 2002, and JAPN 3001) | |
Korean | 4 | 8 hours (KOR 1001 and KOR 1002) |
5 | 11 hours (KOR 1001, KOR 1002, and KOR 2001) | |
6 | 10 hours (KOR 1002, KOR 2001, and KOR 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (KOR 2001, KOR 2002, and KOR 3XXX) | |
Persian | 4 | 8 hours (PERS 1001 and PERS 1002) |
5 | 11 hours (PERS 1001, PERS 1002, and PERS 2001) | |
6 | 10 hours (PERS 1002, PERS 2001, and PERS 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (PERS 2001, PERS 2002, and PERS 3XXX) | |
Portuguese | 4 | 6 hours (PORT 1001 and PORT 1002) |
5 | 9 hours (PORT 1001, PORT 1002, and PORT 2001) | |
6 | 9 hours (PORT 1002, PORT 2001, and PORT 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (PORT 2001, PORT 2002, and PORT 3XXX) | |
Russian | 4 | 8 hours (RUSS 1001 and RUSS 1002) |
5 | 11 hours (RUSS 1001, RUSS 1002, and RUSS 2001) | |
6 | 10 hours (RUSS 1002, RUSS 2001, and RUSS 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (RUSS 2001, RUSS 2002, and RUSS 3XXX) | |
Spanish | 4 | 6 hours (SPAN 1001 and SPAN 1002) |
5 | 9 hours (SPAN 1001, SPAN 1002, and SPAN 2001) | |
6 | 9 hours (SPAN 1002, SPAN 2001, and SPAN 2002) | |
7 or higher | 9 hours (SPAN 2001, SPAN 2002, and SPAN 3XXX) |
International Baccalaureate - Standard Level B (Foreign Language courses)
科目 | SL考试科目 | 学分 |
Arabic | 5 | 8 hours (ARBC 1001, and ARBC 1002) |
6 or higher | 10 hours (ARBC 1002, ARBC 2001, and ARBC 2002) | |
Chinese | 5 | 8 hours (CHIN 1001, and CHIN 1002) |
6 or higher | 10 hours (CHIN 1002, CHIN 2001, and CHIN 2002) | |
Foreign Language | 6 or higher | 3 hours (1002) |
French | 5 | 6 hours (FREN 1001 and FREN 1002) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (FREN 1002, FREN 2001, and FREN 2002) | |
German | 5 | 6 hours (GRMN 1001 and GRMN 1002) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (GRMN 1002, GRMN 2001, and GRMN 2002) | |
Hindi | 5 | 6 hours (HIN 1001 and HIN 1002) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (HIN 1002, HIN 2001, and HIN 2002) | |
Japanese | 5 | 9 hours (JAPN 1001 and JAPN 1002) |
6 or higher | 10 hours (JAPN 1002, JAPN 2001, and JAPN 2002) | |
Korean | 5 | 8 hours (KOR 1001 and KOR 1002) |
6 or higher | 10 hours (KOR 1002, KOR 2001, and KOR 2002) | |
Persian | 5 | 8 hours (PERS 1001 and PERS 1002) |
6 or higher | 10 hours (PERS 1002, PERS 2001, and PERS 2002) | |
Portuguese | 5 | 8 hours (PORT 1001 and PORT 1002) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (PORT 1002, PORT 2001, and PORT 2002) | |
Russian | 5 | 8 hours (RUSS 1001 and RUSS 1002) |
6 or higher | 10 hours (RUSS 1002, RUSS 2001, and RUSS 2002) | |
Spanish | 5 | 6 hours (SPAN 1001 and SPAN 1002) |
6 or higher | 9 hours (SPAN 1002, SPAN 2001, and SPAN 2002) |
International Baccalaureate - High Level
科目 | HL考试分数 | 学分 |
Biology | 4 or 5 | 4 hours (BIOS 1107, BIOS 1107L) |
6 or higher | 4 hours (BIOS 1108, BIOS 1108L) | |
Chemistry | 5 or higher | 4 hours (CHEM 1310) |
Computer Science | 5 or higher | 3 hours (CS 1301) |
Economics | 5 or higher | 3 hours (ECON 2100) |
English | 4 or higher | 3 hours (ENGL 1101) |
European History | 4 or higher | 3 hours (HTS 2037) |
History of Americas | 4 or higher | 3 hours (HIST 2112) |
Mathematics | 5 or higher | 2 hours (MATH 1551) |
Physics | 7 | 4 hours (PHYS 2XXX) |
Psychology | 5 or higher | 3 hours (PSYC 1101) |
International Baccalaureate - Standard Level
科目 | SL考试分数 | 学分 |
Biology | 6 or higher | 4 hours (BIOS 1107, BIOS 1107L) |
Chemistry | 6 or higher | 4 hours (CHEM 1XXX) |
Computer Science | 6 or higher | 3 hours (CS 1XXX) |
Economics | 6 or higher | 3 hours (ECON 1XXX) |
English | 6 or higher | 3 hours (ENGL1101) |
European History | 6 or higher | 3 hours (HTS 1XXX) |
History of Americas | 6 or higher | 3 hours (HTS 1XXX) |
Mathematics | 5 or higher | 2 hours (MATH 1551) |
Physics | 6 or higher | 4 hours (PHYS 2XXX) |
Psychology | 6 or higher | 3 hours (PSYC 1XXX) |